
Sunday, July 21, 2013

Creating Mini Goals within Larger Ones #ROW80

This has been an excellent week for my ROW80 efforts. I met my goals, for the most part. However, I would have likely done even better had I not discovered both Candy Crush and Doctor Who this week. Still, games fill those moments of boredom. As for the Doctor: sometimes a good British sci-fi helps with inspiration.

Goal 1: Write
I have already written 5 days this week for an hour or more each. Add on the writing I am doing now (this post and some more revising later), and I've totaled 6 days. My personal best this round.

Goal 2: Read
I have yet to start on my next book, however, I read three in the first to weeks of this round. So, I'm already 50 percent of my way to my goal of reading 6 books in 80 days. I've selected Bird By Bird by Anne Lamott for my next one. I am significantly slower at reading non-fiction than fiction, so I imagine this will take me more time. I'd better get on it. Good thing next week is my "mommy retreat" staycation. No work for me, but baby girl goes back to daycare.

Goal 3: Post
For the second week in a row I have successfully updated my blog with a post (in addition to my ROW80 updates). I am particularly proud of this post, feel free to read it if you haven't already. Also, I'd appreciate any suggestions for future posts.

Temporary Goal Adjustment
I want to be productive with my staycation. Also, I need to get back in the habit of waking up early because school starts again in a few weeks. So, I've set myself a loose schedule: 6 a.m. wake up, breakfast, get the baby dressed, 8 a.m. daily Mass, take baby to daycare, drop off husband at work, write, noon lunch with hubby, housework, read, chiropractor, play with baby, dinner, go for a walk, watch Doctor Who (or write more), sleep. It seems reasonable to write 3 hours a day this week (5 days and / or a total of 15 hours). Consider it a mini goal within the round.

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  1. Good for you. Bravo! :) School doesn't start here until after Labor Day, but I need to get back to my school schedule. I could be getting so much more done if I got up before the kiddos.

    1. I know, right? I always try to at least get a shower in before baby girl wakes up.

  2. No school for the kids here. They've never been. Summer is our high social season, and birthdays...ans the back to school sales, where we can get art staples on the cheap!

    It's good to have a writing life that blends with everything else. Good luck with the getting ready, and I am going to read your extra post now.

    Great progress this week! =D
