Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Row80 check in

This will be a quick update on my goal for writing 30 minutes or more, 5 days a week. So far, so good!  Monday from 9:30 to 10:45 pm, I went over notes from my critique group and revised a key chapter.  I even caught part of the #ROW80 sprint. That was fun. Tuesday, I edited for about an hour in the evening.  Today we didn't have school because of the weather. I got in my half hour of writing, but I didn't do as much as I would have liked for a snow day.  I did, however, clean the bathroom and do the laundry.

I hadn't been doing so well on my healthy eating goals, so I decided to do a "reboot" this week. Monday and Tuesday were both perfect. John easily swayed me into ordering pizza for dinner tonight by saying "hey, do you want to order pizza for dinner tonight?" I have only one response to that question.  But, that was dinner--breakfast, snack and lunch were better. Total so far this week: 92%.  That's an "A," baby! Yeah!

This is a Blog Hop.


  1. Okay, here's the thing, there really is only one response to: do you want to order pizza? And that is: yes!

    You have to do that everyone in awhile. You are doing great on your goals, remember that.
